Let the competition begin!  
Our Community Service Committee announced the captains for this year's food drive.  Honored for their time consuming and costly commute to Rotary are:  Roger Kirgues, Stan Lind, and Tony Von Rueden.  Each Captain was assigned a group of Rotarians.  One point will be awarded for each item donated, or for one dollar donated.  Checks written to Ozaukee Family Sharing are tax deductible.  
When you bring your grocery items, make sure each can is up-to-date and not expired.   Think about what you would like to receive if you were struggling to put food on the table.  How often would you like baked beans?  Remember to put your name on your bag of items or include your name on a slip of paper inside the bag so your team can receive credit for your donation.
Preferred items include:  pancake mix/syrup, jellies/jam/honey, canned beef stew/hash, canned meats/tuna, stuffing, condiments, baked beans, canned fruits and vegetables, juice, coffee, hot chocolate, cooking oil, flour/sugar/cold cereal/oatmeal, peanut butter, healthy crackers and snacks, diapers (especially large), baby food and formula, shampoo, deodorant, shaving cream/razors, dish soap, cleaners, toilet paper, paper toweling, facial tissue, white vinegar, toothpaste and brushes.