Posted from the District 6270 website.

As we sit back and ponder the journey we have embarked on in Rotary, we create moments to look back and connect the dots. Well, it is time again to shape the future of Rotary through club and district resolutions. The Council on Resolutions (COR) meets online each Fall to vote on proposed resolutions and urgent enactments. A resolution addresses a concern for the entire Rotary world and not a local or administrative issue. Conversely, an urgent enactment is a change to the constitutional documents, proposed by the RI Board, that the Board has determined cannot wait until the next Council on Legislation.

Delegates from each Rotary district cast votes on proposals presented by clubs, districts, the RI Board, and the general council or Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland Council. Resolutions that receive approval are subsequently reviewed by either the RI Board or The Rotary Foundation Trustees. Swiftly approved enactments alter the constitutional documents and become effective one month following the transmission of the Council on Resolutions report.

So, why is this information important? This presents a chance for you to influence the global operations of Rotary. Clubs and districts can propose resolutions for review at the upcoming COR next Fall, with a submission deadline of June 30.

Curious about the resolutions deliberated upon last fall? You can access them online at These results will be available on the page until the commencement of the next COR.

For further inquiries, feel free to reach out to PDG Rick Debe, who currently serves as our district's representative.